How to tell whether a newborn is congenitally deaf?

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  • Source:Verizon Hearing Aids

Baby's hearing is an important part of growth and development. Poor hearing will inevitably affect the baby's understanding of the world around him. More importantly, it will hinder the learning of language, which will cause difficulties in the baby's study and life. Mommy, don't ignore it.

How to identify whether a newborn is congenitally deaf?
If you want to know whether a newborn has congenital deafness as early as possible, newborn hearing screening is extremely important. The so-called newborn hearing screening refers to the audiological testing performed on every newborn child during hospitalization. Based on the examination results, the subjects were divided into two groups: those who passed the screening and those who failed the screening. People who fail the screening are suspected of hearing impairment and must undergo further examination to ultimately determine whether there is actual hearing impairment, as well as the extent and nature of the hearing impairment.

Newborn hearing screening is based on electrophysiological techniques such as otoacoustic emission, automatic auditory brainstem response and acoustic impedance. It is performed naturally after birth. Objective, fast and non-invasive examination during sleep or quiet state. Generally, the test can be completed in only 5 to 10 minutes. Newborns must undergo an initial hearing screening 48 hours after birth. Those who fail the initial screening will undergo a hearing reexamination around 42 days. Those who still fail the reexamination after 42 days will undergo a diagnostic hearing test around 3 months old. Children diagnosed with hearing impairment should promptly go to the hospital's specialist department for appropriate medical intervention.

Early detection to prevent language disorders The rapid language development stage of children is mainly between 0 and 3 years old. However, through routine physical examination or parent observation, it is generally possible after the child is 2 years old. If hearing impairment is discovered, the child's rapid language development period will be missed, which will delay the best time for recovery. Neonatal hearing screening during the newborn period can detect problems early and diagnose most children with hearing loss early, thus effectively achieving "early detection, early diagnosis, and early intervention" to protect your child from hearing loss. The pain of hearing and speech impairment.

What should I do if my baby is born with deafness?
After the baby was born, I discovered that his ears were a little strange, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. Later, when he was about one year old, I discovered that there seemed to be a hearing problem in one of the baby’s ears, and he couldn’t hear anything he often said. , took her to the hospital for examination, and found that the baby had congenital deafness in one ear, which caused tinnitus. So what should be done if the baby has congenital deafness? The following is Let me share my experience with you.


1 If a baby is born with congenital deafness, it is unlikely to be cured. Generally, the patient can choose to implant an artificial eardrum according to the degree of hearing loss, which can help him recover. Hearing is no different from that of normal people, but the price is a bit more expensive, about 100,000 to 150,000 per ear.

2 If the baby has congenital deafness, you can choose to wear a hearing aid. Wearing a hearing aid can also effectively improve the baby's hearing problem. Generally speaking, the price of Hearing Aids is not that expensive. The approximate price is 3,000 to one ear. It’s about 5,000 yuan, which is acceptable to more families.
3 If the baby is born with deafness, try not to let the baby stay in noisy places. You can choose a quieter living environment, but not too quiet or too quiet. It will also lead to obvious tinnitus. Try to communicate with the baby as much as possible and let him learn sign language, which is also a kind of communication.


If the baby is born with deafness, you should pay more attention to the baby's young mind. Some babies are prone to have an inferiority complex because of this, no matter what they do, I can't get excited about anything, and my mentality is relatively negative.

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