In addition to wearing hearing aids, what other foods should deaf patients eat?

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  • Source:Verizon Hearing Aids

Deafness is a disease that the elderly often suffer from. The occurrence of this disease is caused by many factors, and our daily diet is also very effective in alleviating the phenomenon of deafness and tinnitus. For this disease, in fact, as long as the patient maintains daily It can be effectively alleviated by taking more care in life. Next, we will take a closer look at some foods suitable for patients with deafness and tinnitus. We hope it can be helpful to everyone.

In addition to wearing Hearing Aids, what other foods should be eaten by deaf patients? Deaf patients should limit their fat intake. Ingesting a large amount of fatty foods will increase blood lipids, increase blood viscosity, and cause arteriosclerosis. The inner ear is most sensitive to blood supply disorders. When blood circulation disorders occur, it will lead to a lack of nutrients in the auditory nerve, resulting in deafness. Therefore, the total daily fat intake of the elderly should be controlled at about 40 grams, and they should eat less fat-rich foods such as various animal offal, fat meat, butter, egg yolk, fish roe, fried foods, etc. The total amount of cholesterol in daily food should be less than 300 mg. Eat less animal fat and cholesterol-rich foods, such as egg yolks, animal offal, shrimp, butter, etc. Use stewing or boiling as the cooking method and avoid frying or frying.

Deaf patients should supplement more foods rich in protein and vitamins
Noise can deplete some amino acids and vitamins (such as vitamins B1, B2, B6) in the human body. etc.) consumption increases. When the human body lacks vitamin foods, especially when it lacks vitamin D, its metabolic derivative calciferol decreases, and the auditory cells of the inner ear that control hearing function will undergo degenerative changes; at the same time, vitamin deficiency can cause the hardness of red blood cells to increase, making it difficult to pass through peripheral blood vessels. This leads to hypoxia and zinc deficiency in auditory cells, which is also related to presbycusis. Therefore, we should eat more foods rich in vitamin D, iron, zinc and other elements in our daily diet. This type of food mainly includes lean meat, beans, fungus, mushrooms, various green leafy vegetables, radishes, tomatoes, garlic, oysters, etc.

Deaf patients should eat more zinc-containing foods

There are many factors leading to presbycusis, and zinc deficiency is an important reason. Zinc is an extremely important one of the 14 trace elements necessary for the human body, so it is called the "life element". The content of zinc in the cochlea is much higher than in other organs. The zinc content in the cochlea of ​​elderly people over 60 years old is significantly reduced, which affects the function of the cochlea and leads to hearing loss. Research data from British scholars show that 1/3 of patients with presbycusis have low serum zinc concentrations. In addition to deafness, these patients also have impaired taste or smell to varying degrees. After 3-6 months of zinc supplementation treatment, about 30% of patients' hearing improved. Foods rich in zinc include: fish, beef, pork liver, chicken, chicken liver,Eggs, various seafood; apples, oranges, walnuts, cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, radishes, etc.

Deaf patients must understand their own symptoms, avoid eating random foods, stimulating their own bodies, and avoid deafness harming their bodies. It is recommended that deaf patients must develop their own reasonable and scientific Deafness diet, recovery as soon as possible, and prevent deafness from harming your body.

The physiological aging of organs caused by aging is not the main factor in the elderly’s deafness. Many deafness is related to the environment, diet, mental factors and some elderly diseases, such as hyperglycemia and hypertension. , the elderly with high blood lipids are prone to accelerate the formation of presbycusis. If the hearing aids worn by the elderly are properly fitted by professionals, they will generally not aggravate the symptoms of deafness in the elderly. On the contrary, if you wear a hearing aid and perform regular rehabilitation training according to the guidance given by professionals, your hearing will improve to a certain extent due to the exercise of the auditory system.

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